Pointing camera's at cars for 20+ years for fun & occasional profit...

Welcome to the random & sometimes troubled ramblings of a Brit living in Northern California....

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Damm terrorists

I woke up this morning to hear that there had been 4 terrorist attacks in my home town of London. My family & friends all live in London.....I was worried...made MANY call's today to them, luckily for me, everyone was OK.

Damm murdering assholes picking who lives & dies...Its not right....

Rant over...I hope nobody else was affected.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Paso '05 Pictures....finally!!

Having had some 'issues' with my PC & Camera, I have finally got the Paso '05 pic's up on my site, check out the Photography link at www.prophotophotography.com & enjoy :o)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

New Site!!

My wife has her website up & running....


and I am now at


Friday, April 01, 2005

Viva Las Vegas....

We went, we drank (too much) and even managed to take a few pictures...well...almost 150!!

Check em out via my website, click http://www.prophotophotography.com then click the photography link & look for the Viva Las Vegas link....

Friday, January 21, 2005

Mr Excitement....Just the facts.....

Today (1/21) marks the anniversary of the death of one of my favourite performers... Jackie Wilson.

He had an amazing voice & moves...there is a quite good mini biography on him at the History of Rock & Roll site, take a few minites to read the story of this great performer


Saturday, January 01, 2005

A few more pictures of my work....

Some of my colorised pictures, check out my website for lots more

Paso 2003
Surfboard Pinstriping
Bill's hemi 'A'
'38 Pontiac Hood Ornament
Swindon Street Rods
Tiger Monster
Woody's '54 Ford
More at http://www.freewebs.com/pro_photo/