Pointing camera's at cars for 20+ years for fun & occasional profit...

Welcome to the random & sometimes troubled ramblings of a Brit living in Northern California....

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Now the dust has settled.......

I don't know if any of you saw the OCC vs PJD vs Jesse James bike build off last week...but I did, and after sitting through both shows, the build up and the winner show....I thought to myself, I need to share some thoughts....

I'm still at a loss as to what Senior was smoking when someone convinced him that building a flame throwing, electric powered glorified snowmobile would be a good idea.....

Then there's PJD's 'WWII Veteran Tribute' themed bike....going for the board track look...with the ridiculous 30 inch rims...exhaust pipes coming out of the fake tank with smoke generator's...and the copper & rivets.....

And then there's Jesse's machine, other than the wheels, tires & motor, the bike was FABRICATED BY JESSE & TEAM............unlike the other two....Yes, I'm a JJ fan, I like his work, he's had his issues in the past, but he's back where he started....building bikes...that you can ride...a lot...

Now people have said that Jesse built the same old bike he's always built, Jr claims he built it for the challenge of making something new & exciting, Sr, as I said earlier, what was he on????

We all know the 'tv show' results...but I know in my heart who the winner was....

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