Pointing camera's at cars for 20+ years for fun & occasional profit...

Welcome to the random & sometimes troubled ramblings of a Brit living in Northern California....

Friday, November 11, 2011

The cat's outta the bag..............

Thats right folks....

December 7th 2011 marks the official launch of The Raydar Magazine in the UK....booze fueled stupid idea to publish a magazine by a couple of my friend's in the UK has somehow snowballed into an actual product!

One of them is a Kustom Kulture Artist, the other is a piss artist....

They stupidly asked me to come aboard as I can type & almost string a sentence together into something that resembles a story, and have been known to point a camera at the odd car or two.

Anyway....should you find yourself in the area, drop by The Ace Cafe on December 7th for the kick off party. I sadly won't be there, but I do have a story...or maybe 2 in the premier issue.

If you like the sound of this, check out the FaceBook page for current info or order online at the official Raydar webpage.

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